Become an Intentional CREATOR using the Law of Attraction!
July 31, 2017
Cоmmоn Bаrriеrѕ tо Personal Grоwth аnd Dеvеlорmеnt
April 24, 2018
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Stop overthinking and start being

Stop overthinking and start being

What does this mean?

We are all born Creators and it’s in our innate nature to create something. Be it creating a beautiful painting, writing a book, starting a yoga class, buying your dream home. What happens is we think it 100 times over and over instead of feeling the feeling and emotions that are in harmony with the desire. So actually, living it now before the actual manifestation.

When overthinking takes over we make things more complicated than they actually are. You get stuck by the mere thought of starting. These are the questions that pop up. Am I good enough! Is it going to work? These questions then lead to procrastination.

Here are my top 4  guidelines to Start Being in the Flow!

  • Ground yourself, connect with nature, meditate, sing. Do whatever makes your soul feel centred. Come into alignment with your Inner being.
  • Visualise the feeling of your desire already being done. Imagine it and let those positive feelings in. Build yourself up to living it now, in this present moment.
  • Move your body, do some stretching, yoga, jogging, running or any activity that releases the good endorphins. Let your body get into action and your mind will follow suit.
  • You don’t have to be perfect to start, you just have to start and the momentum will build. Once your intention is set and you are determined everything, places, people all will align and come into your sphere to manifest the creation of your intention.


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